Open Mic Night Ushers In A New Buckley Tradition

Open Mic 1
Source: The Buckley Bark

Jane Park: Grade 7

On Thursday, April 20, 2017, at 6:15 p.m., Buckley’s first-ever Open Mic Night took place. The idea of dedicating an evening when students could come together to share their talents was designed by French and Drama teacher Mrs. Dianna Baritot. A total of nine acts performed throughout the night. There was a variety of talent, from singing to improvisation and to even a magic show.

At the end of Open Mic Night, all participants and audience members had smiles on their faces. It was truly a fun and exciting event. There were also delicious refreshments, such as cookies and chips, from the kitchen staff to keep the audience nourished.

Acoustic Strumming + Soothing Voices = Calming Atmosphere

The first act was performed by sixth-graders Gabriella Seudath and Isabelle Chang on the guitar. They performed the song “Capsize.” With the peaceful strumming of the guitar, the song was melodic, and it laid out a calm atmosphere for the performers.

Open Mic 2
Source: The Buckley Bark

Awkward Tension Between Two Strangers

The second act was an improvised scene with seventh-grader Charlotte Fox and sixth-grader Mikayla Pyke-Sharp. The scene was full of comedy, and the awkward dialogue between the two “strangers” was enough to get the crowd laughing.

Two Emotion Packed Songs

The next act featured sixth-grader Lily Ventura singing “Colors of the Wind.” She sang with gusto, and the emotions of the lyrics were depicted in her expressions. Then sixth-grader Bryan Byrne sang “Water Under the Bridge.” With his captivating voice, he stole the attention of the audience throughout this melancholy song.

It’s Magic!

The next act was definitely one of the audience’s favorite. Fifth-grader Vincent Rivellese performed a magic show. He had a friend, fifth-grader Jonathan Goldenberg, assist him. He asked his assistant where he wanted a dollar bill to travel. He then inserted the bill into his pocket, and after he emptied his pockets, he asked one of the audience members to look beneath the couch, where Goldenberg had requested the dollar bill to appear. Sure enough, it was right there!

Open Mic 3
Source: The Buckley Bark

Friendly Duet

Next up were Ventura and Byrne singing “You’ll Be Found” together. With their strong voices and friendship, these two gave a spectacular performance. With playful antics, they gave the audience an appreciation for their best friends and a couple of laughs, too.


The second-to-last performer was seventh-grader Adrienne Chacon. sang “Heroes,” and with her smooth voice, she managed to wow the audience with her performance. Considering that the song was challenging with high and low parts, Chacon’s recital was particularly impressive!

An Original Song

The last performer was eighth-grader Maxwell Brown who closed Open Mic Night with a bang. Not only did he play the piano, but he also sang an original song. Everyone was surprised at how expert the lyrics were. It is not easy to compose an original song and sing it for a group of peers, but Brown certainly pulled it off!

At the end of the night, everyone was laughing, and it was safe to say that they had a fun time. This event was an opportunity to overcome stage fright, gain inspiration, and just observe the talents of one’s peers.